Summer Continues

Summer continues, and we are finally on more of a regular "schedule." After the craziness of the end-of-the-year events, school, dance recitals and birthday parties, we are finally settling into summer. Lucy has started her Summer Pre-K program and Dave is leading a sports camp.

For me I've been resisting creating a schedule for myself, not wanting to fully accept this as a new normal. And that's hard for me, as I feel far more comfortable when there's a routine and a clear path ahead. 

I'm grateful for the things I can enjoy, however. And capturing them in pictures continues in the 100 Days of Summer project. Here's a few from the past week:

Lucy picking flowers at Pop Pop's house.

Picking flowers at the park.

Chillin' out in Toys r' Us. Seriously, who buys a $400 car for their kids?


Taking a break outside of Fairyland in Oakland.

These are blooming all over our neighborhood right now and they look so pretty on my walks in the golden, morning sunlight.

It's been HOT here. The other day it was 102 degrees!

New Vans from Uncle Nick <3

Lucy has been asked to be featured on the website for Unravel Pediatric Cancer as a Kidvocate - kids who are helping to raise awareness and funds for Pediatric Cancer. We took some pictures the other day and I'm going to write a post soon on what we have planned for Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month. One of the things I have been VERY grateful for during my time off from work id Unravel. I have been donating my time doing graphic design and document layout for the team. It's been so nice to work with such kind and dedicated people. 

We are all enjoying these lazy summer mornings...

We also made a summer bucket list and I wanted to share it with you! We have already checked a few items off the list...

  • Go on a picnic (DONE!)
  • Go to an outdoor concert
  • See a movie in the park
  • Travel to a town far away
  • Go to the beach
  • Go to the Farmer's Market
  • Go swimming at Pop Pop's house
  • Go to Seven Seas Park
  • Go to Magical Bridge Park (DONE!)
  • Visit Jayda and Taegon
  • Visit GG and Bobo Bob
  • Find a restaurant Lucy can play in (The Forest on First closed, a restaurant that had a jungle gym inside. Lucy is VERY sad, so we want to find something cool like that.)
  • Go bowling
  • Visit a garen
  • Go to a baseball game
  • Pajama Day
  • Have breakfast for dinner
  • Make popsicles
  • Unplug for a day (When I explained this one to Lucy she said, "It sounds like the worst day of summer." Ha!)
  • Visit a museum

xo Becky