slap some paper on it

My very wise husband once suggested to his mom that she buy me "elegant paper" for my birthday. A funny choice of words, and yet so perfect.

I love paper. Especially the fancy kind. If I could have a shopping spree anywhere Paper Source would definitely be on my top 10 list.

Finding time for crafting is hard once you have a baby, but something as simple as slapping some scraps of pretty paper on something quickly elevates it to something beautiful to have lying around your home.

Point in case, the crayon collection:

How easy is that?

Slapping Some Paper on Something: Level 2

Decoupage! Again super easy and only takes a few minutes more of preparation.

I wanted to cover up my baby wipe holder. Even the decorative ones in the store still seemed like an eyesore to me and the ones I could find online were a bit much - covered in tassels and other bejewelments.

I cut up a large piece of patterned paper. Make sure you use a paper that is thin and easy to saturate with the decoupage glue. I got my glue from the fabric store but you can also make it by mixing equal parts of white school glue with water. Simply apply the dampened paper - not too much at first so you can still make adjustments, then satuate and mold all the paper to your surface. I ended up having to do three layers in total so the labels on the wipe container were no longer visible.
