Flowers to FIERCE

Last month Lucy had the honor of being a flower girl to her Uncle Dan and Aunt Meredith. IMG_6933

Her dress was gorgeous, but where was she going to wear it again before she outgrew it?


She also shredded the hem that night from all the dancing, so it really wasn't in good shape.

For months Lucy has said she wanted to be a dinosaur for Halloween, but I was determined to repurpose this dress. Lucy's suggestion was a dinosaur princess. I one-upped her and suggested QUEEN OF THE DINOSAURS. She agreed.


I first attempted to dye the dress green, but it turned baby blue. Instead I got some fabric spray and it was genius! I even used some orange to accent the bottom. It was very easy to use and true to color.


I sewed a cape with a hood--an amazing feat considering I don't sew--thanks to some YouTube videos. I tried using a pattern, but ended up winging it when the hood came out too small.

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I originally was going to reuse the purple ribbon as well, but was shocked to find only ONE dinosaur fabric at the store, which changed our color to orange. What are kids into these days that there could be so few dino-choices available?

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We are accessorizing the look with a dino-staff, made from a broken broom, ribbon, glitter and $1.99 pack of finger puppets from Diddams.

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Add to that a desire for world domination.


And a fierce roar!!!!!!!!!!

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Bow to your queen, minion dinosaurs.

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We hope you all have a happy Halloween!

xo Becky
