100 Days of Summer

My sister, Francesca is hosting a "100 Days of Summer" photo challenge that I am currently very grateful for. Over 70 peeps have joined the group over on Flickr and a nice community is starting to grow. 

I wanted to start posting again and this project seemed like a good start. For some reason while I've been interviewing I haven't wanted to post here. I have no idea why. I seriously doubt anyone would give me dings for too many pictures of Lucy or endless art activities. I guess it's because it's also hard not to not be able offer any update on the job search. The search continues and I feel like I'm closing in on something amazing... but I really don't want to jinx anything. So, for now, keep sending pixie dust my way.

Here's my first two week's of photos from #100DaysofSummer2015:

Of course we are having a gorgeous summer here! I'm grateful I've been around to experience so much of these past few months at home with Lucy.

Swinging at Creekside Park after a bike ride.

At Las Palmas Park, which lives up to its name.

We hiked at Fremont Older after school. Dave ran down on his own and then Lucy and I got lost and saw a SNAKE! Good times.

I made a piñata for Lucy's birthday party borrowing an idea using cupcake wrappers I saw on Pinterest. It came out really cute and was very easy to do. Also, no, this one was NOT indestructible like the one I made 2 years-ago.

We celebrated with family and close friends for a pool party at my parent's house. I'll fill you in on that tomorrow when I post about her birthday.

ong summer days means long summer shadows in the evening. Love.

One of the fairy gardens in my Mom's garden. <3

Yum. Summer tastes like watermelon, red onion, balsamic and feta.


We got some rain! Barely any, but we'll take it!

I love summer evening light.


Remnants from Dave's last day of teaching for the year.

A peek at an art project we did.

