A Day in the Life...

On Monday I participated in another "Day in the Life" Photo Challenge, this time hosted by my sister's friend Rebecca (great name!). This one was interesting because it fell on a very nontraditional day. Every year we host an Oscar Party, and every year I take the following Monday off to clean the apartment (it's a huge ordeal; we decorate, move furniture, cook  a bunch of food…) This is why I slept in (!!!) and why Lucy is absent for a large portion of my morning.

For those interested, this series I chose to shoot entirely with my Samsung Galaxy III and many are edited using the VSCO app.

8:30 :: I woke up to only minor cleanup damage. The lingering dedication to PSH.


9:30 :: Editing photos from the night before. Amazing.


10:30 :: Snack as I continue to cleanup and straighten things out.


11:30 :: Picking up Lucy at my parent's house. She was a "good girl" spending the night AND got to go see Frozen again and eat a bag of popcorn with Grampy.


12:30 :: Next we went and had lunch together at Whole Foods.


1:30 :: Then, because it was Mommy's day off AND Target is next-door to Whole Foods, we went to Target.


2:30 :: Project planning with Lucy.


3:30 :: Playing with her new sentence reading cards.


4:30 :: Dinner prep.


5:30 :: Watering the plants. This one is a jungle.


6:30 :: Working on my bullet journal with a glass of wine as Dave cooks dinner and Lucy watches Diego.


7:30 :: Bath time! These two guys, "Billy and Joey," have seen many adventures in the ocean.


8:30 :: Editing the bloggy poo for my weekly look-back-in-photos.


9:30 :: Watching Walking Dead. OMG.


And then I went to sleep EARLY. BOOYA.

Hope you take a day off and  go to bed early one day soon. It's awesome. You're awesome.

xo Becky