2015: Week 5


This week was a medical marathon. I had a check-up and Lucy had hers in preparation for Kindergarten registration (!!!). We both passed with flying colors and Lucy got a sticker, lollipop and frozen yogurt for being such a brave girl.

Sir Guaps-a-Lot also went into the vet this week. Since Norman died we had noticed his weight dropping. I assumed it was the stress of losing him, but I took him in just to be sure. It turns out his thyroid is out of wack, so he will be on medication from here on out. As an older cat, he's also showing signs if kidney disease, so we need to keep an eye on his hydration levels. All of this news simply means he's getting older. We're lucky he's such an easy-going boy, takes pills well and is forever a snuggle monkey.

I was on a secret mission this week and I wore my power blazer. After the mission is de-classified I can't wait to tell you about it!


And then on a whim, just for fun, I did a "Day in the Life Photo Challenge." Dave was out for the day enjoying the Super Bowl, so me and Lucy had some fun adventures.

We made some itty bitty pom poms...


Cleaned up the bedrooms (note the new pom pom on her head)...


we set up our fairy garden...


Watched Super Bowl commercials and the half time show... (Missy Elliott stole the show!)...


And just had some clean, plain, fun...




Martha's List of "Six Things to Do Every Day"

washing windows

As promised I am updating my attempt to make my way through Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook.

Today I will share with you my modified version of Martha's daily "to do" list.


My slight modification for our family is that I swapped out "4. Clean as you cook" and "5. Wipe up fresh spills" to something that addresses the actual daily problems in our specific kitchen:

6 things

Seems simple enough, right? Let's see if the whole family can do it for an ENTIRE WEEK! Do you think we can?




2015: Week 4

Well is was my BIRTHDAY last week. Yay me! I took the day off from work and enjoyed pancakes and mimosas for breakfast, followed by a trip to IKEA! It was a really nice day and great to have a well-deserved three-day weekend. I was really moved that several of my family members decided to make donations to my Pediatric Cancer Fundraising Page in honor of my birthday. Dragonflies are the symbol for Unravel Pediatric Cancer, the non-profit we are working to support. The meaning of the dragonflies is deep amongst the Unravel community. My mom gave Lucy and I matching lockets for my birthday in honor of the work we are doing. So beautiful.

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We had lunch at The Duke following a Skype call with my grandmother, Lucy's GREAT Granny. She insisted on wearing two different colored boots that day. Punky Brewster lives on!

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Peeping in during dance class.

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Grump face.

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I've seen this before!

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The face that launched a thousand ships...

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Post dance class snuggles.

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A giant THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to our fundraiser this past week. We are at 82% of our goal!




2015: Week 3

I'm late to post again this week, but I am sticking to my resolution to post weekly. I'll give myself credit where it's due—high five, me! We have entered the birthday zone! In the Parker family we have four birthdays smack within just weeks of each other, that means lots of yummy dinners and celebrations. We are going global this year, starting with an Italian dinner, followed by Chinese, ending this coming weekend with Cuban.


The week was mainly a blur of work in the middle with a well-deserved long birthday weekend.

We played a lot of "Stuff on Spencer."


We've been seeing a bit more of Uncle Simon lately, which we all love, especially Lucy.

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We got some lovely donations this week from Lucy's teachers and many family members. We are at 45% of our goal! I'll be taking an updated picture today after work.


In preparation for the race I attempted to begin the Couch 2 5K program, but my busted hips and back quickly told me NO. I'm trying to turn that no into a YES by focusing more on walking and maintaining my Fitbit program. I'd love some friends to join me for motivation if you're up for it!

I need to take more, more, more photos. I got a LensBaby for my birthday and I'm very excited to learn how to shoot well with it. More about my birthday later... I've got a list challenge I'm going to torture myself with that I'll share shortly.

I'm currently working on several creative side projects. I'm really excited to share more Martha posts soon as well as some crafts and projects we have brewing!

I hope you had a lovely week.



2015: Week 2

The big events this week all circulated around Miss Lucy Loo. On Saturday she was invited to TWO birthday parties. The first was all the girls from her preschool at Build-a-Bear. Before we even got there she had made her mind up that she wanted to make something for Grampy. All the girls picked pink teddy bears and Lucy, ever the rebel, chose a brown puppy. Later she joined all her boyfriends at Safari Run. It was really cool! The place is very clean and spacious. They even had plushy couches and lounge chairs for the parents to relax in. It was NOT the indoor playground experience I was dreading--I highly recommend the place!


On Sunday Dave turned thirty-something, so we showered him with everything he loves. Kisses and lots of meat to BBQ.

Birthday coffee...


Chalk drawing...


I miss my Normikins...


Work was back in full swing after the holidays. During the later part of the week I was assigned to a new manager and changed cubicles AGAIN, but I'm pretty happy about the change. I'm with a team again and it feels nice to not be so isolated all day.

My girl also made me really proud. She was sharing with her teachers at school about fundraising for "sick kids." They asked to know more and even all chipped in to make a donation. You can read all about our fundraiser here.


Hope you all had a good week!





The Past Few Weeks

Man, I am in awe of my sister. How do you churn out so much amazing writing and photos?! I've fallen behind again so bear with me as we catch up on our photos from the past few weeks... In BIG news, Dave's brother Dan got married to the beautiful Meredith. Dave was Best Man and Lucy was a Flower Girl.

Here we are at the rehearsal. Lucy and Emma were SO well-behaved and excited for their big job.


Dan and Meredith were pretty excited, too (note how serious the girls are in the background).


The Queen of Sheeba fans herself before the big show. The photo is out of focus, but I thought this was so funny.


We arrived for photos and Lucy couldn't take her eyes off herself.




And then it was time for the big show! The girls were beautiful.


And so were the happy bride and groom.


It was so cute to see Lucy instinctually lifting her dress to walk in her "high heels." She was so dainty the whole night and insisted on not changing clothes.


And we basically had to tear her off the dance floor (go Uncle Simon!).


And now to steal a line from Dave's Best Man speech...

"This is what's known as a transition."

Looking for something fun to do in the South Bay? There's a new Exploratorium Shop and mini interactive museum in Los Altos that's really fun. There are all sorts of activities to do--we spent well over an hour playing and Lucy could have stayed much longer if I hadn't forced her to leave and eat lunch.


Magnetic sand is the ONE thing I remember about the Exploratorium as a kid.


This was a clever use of sliding panels teaching kids about color blending.


There are also lots of things to make your kids stand in front of for a nice picture.


Or of yourself!

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I bought myself a present there. This is peacock ore.

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And a present for my husband. The small print reads, Emily froze. The distressing sound as she sat down could neither be described as "pleasant" nor, more worryingly, "dry."

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Lucy got her first library card this month. She consumes books so quickly this will be a regular spot for us.

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And Lucy helped me Flitter my office. Before making the dragonflies I had her watch Jennifer's Mom and little brothers talk about the fundraiser on the news. I told her that some kids are very, very sick. And the doctors want to help, but there's not enough money for them to make medicine. I told her that if we made beautiful dragonflies maybe we could get some of my friends to help give some money to the doctors. She was really excited and asked to keep one dragonfly for herself.

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Being a part of this fundraiser was both difficult and rewarding. With each push I gave, a blog post, a Facebook post, Flittering the office... I would get ONE donation. While it would make me sad that more weren't compelled to donate, I was brought to tears each time my phone alerted me that I had received a donation. The campaigning I did "Flittering" was the lightweight counterpart to a bigger campaign called "Fluttering." 350 families volunteered to post dragonflies and signs each night at a person's home, hoping to inspire donations. There were heartbreaking stories of dragonflies being stolen and signs thrown in the trash. But also amazing stories of courage and awareness. I am so very proud to have been part of this.

There are still a few more hours left in September to donate!


xo Becky




The August Break: Week 3 (plus more!)

I'm really loving the photo prompts for The August Break. I've also connected with some really talented photographers on Instagram the past few weeks. I think I've really been testing myself creatively through these prompts, and for that I think I'll have to send Susannah my own love letter. So let's start with the cute right off the bat.


As hard as she tried, this was the most impressive jump shot I could get. I need to teach her to kick her heels up, like in the old Toyota commercials.



This shot was fun. I wish those nail decals had lasted longer...


My phone is full of these amazing sunrise pictures from my morning walks (which lately have involved bursts of jogging and running up and down stairs).


Treasures: Rocks, shells and beads. I took this with the same method used to shoot my nail polish last week.


Can't resist those morning shadows.


It's fun to say "adornment."


She's building memories every day. I hope I'm making them colorful for her.


Appreciating the small details.


In other news Lulu started back at preschool this week!


As a special treat I did her nails with Jamberry Juniors. (I used the rice application method if anyone is interested, it worked really well!)


My bub has grown!


XO Becky






2014: Week 19

Well, last week was a bit of a haze. It still lingers this week as I try to wrap my brain around a new reality. While I wish it were easy for me to compartmentalize work and life, I'm hopelessly compassionate and can't NOT form an attachment to the people I spend 40+ hours a week with. Unfortunately we had a staff reduction this week and it hit HARD. I was just walking around looking at the already grey aisles of cubicles feeling beyond lonely. I know I should be happy that I made it through, but it's just so strange.


This goofy girl keeps me going.

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P.S. I love you... And other reminders the keep on keeping on.

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My fur baby, Normikins gives the fluffiest snuggles.

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Can you see the bunny?

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We've been playing "restaurant" lately, which consists of making a menu, then dressing up fancy and being waited upon. Here is a menu from "Watercolor Café."

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We also went to the Los Altos Pet Parade! Here's all the dogs watching.


Pug life.


This lady and her dog (omg her glasses and the dogs eyes!)


I was too close to get a full shot, but this guy's dog had dreadlocks :)


Pop Pop and Lucy cleaning strawberries.


I made something for you... Stay tuned.


I scored some quartz at the art faire. Time to make some magic.


xo Becky






A Day in the Life...

On Monday I participated in another "Day in the Life" Photo Challenge, this time hosted by my sister's friend Rebecca (great name!). This one was interesting because it fell on a very nontraditional day. Every year we host an Oscar Party, and every year I take the following Monday off to clean the apartment (it's a huge ordeal; we decorate, move furniture, cook  a bunch of food…) This is why I slept in (!!!) and why Lucy is absent for a large portion of my morning.

For those interested, this series I chose to shoot entirely with my Samsung Galaxy III and many are edited using the VSCO app.

8:30 :: I woke up to only minor cleanup damage. The lingering dedication to PSH.


9:30 :: Editing photos from the night before. Amazing.


10:30 :: Snack as I continue to cleanup and straighten things out.


11:30 :: Picking up Lucy at my parent's house. She was a "good girl" spending the night AND got to go see Frozen again and eat a bag of popcorn with Grampy.


12:30 :: Next we went and had lunch together at Whole Foods.


1:30 :: Then, because it was Mommy's day off AND Target is next-door to Whole Foods, we went to Target.


2:30 :: Project planning with Lucy.


3:30 :: Playing with her new sentence reading cards.


4:30 :: Dinner prep.


5:30 :: Watering the plants. This one is a jungle.


6:30 :: Working on my bullet journal with a glass of wine as Dave cooks dinner and Lucy watches Diego.


7:30 :: Bath time! These two guys, "Billy and Joey," have seen many adventures in the ocean.


8:30 :: Editing the bloggy poo for my weekly look-back-in-photos.


9:30 :: Watching Walking Dead. OMG.


And then I went to sleep EARLY. BOOYA.

Hope you take a day off and  go to bed early one day soon. It's awesome. You're awesome.

xo Becky

2014: Week 8

Last week I didn't take very many photos. Weird how that happens sometimes. Here are my faves. Our theme this week in 52 of You was "props." I found these awesome glasses at Target.


I made Lucy heart-shaped french toast and strawberries, just cuz she's the awesomest.


She also painted this amazing picture of my parents dog Jack who died a few weeks ago, because she "wanted to remember him."


A co-worker made these adorable cupcakes at work. Someone asked if they were supposed to be Mount Rushmore. Um, no. MINIONS!


I get weird looks at work in the parking lot all the time in the morning taking pictures. I can't help it if the wet asphalt looks amazing bathed in golden sunlight!!!


Watching and listening to kids pretend play is so freaking cute.




And Lucy got a hat, inspired by her cutie pie cousin, Lila who rocks hats like no other.


xo Becky

Family Date Photo Series

I took this first photo about a year ago. Seeing itty bitty toys juxtaposed with our "grown up" drinks just looked so sweet to me. Maybe because I love our "family dates" so much. Just the three of us out together having fun. Lala Loopsy and chardonnay.


Tiger brothers and chardonnay.


Prince Eric totally cheating on Ariel with Cinderella (and probably chardonnay).


Baby Norman, beer and sake.


Truck hauling markers, Daddy and beer.


Stickers and sake.


Bo-Jack and beer.


Half of the Calico Critters Buttercup Cat Twins and sake.


Crayons and chardonnay.


xo Becky