2015: Week 2

The big events this week all circulated around Miss Lucy Loo. On Saturday she was invited to TWO birthday parties. The first was all the girls from her preschool at Build-a-Bear. Before we even got there she had made her mind up that she wanted to make something for Grampy. All the girls picked pink teddy bears and Lucy, ever the rebel, chose a brown puppy. Later she joined all her boyfriends at Safari Run. It was really cool! The place is very clean and spacious. They even had plushy couches and lounge chairs for the parents to relax in. It was NOT the indoor playground experience I was dreading--I highly recommend the place!


On Sunday Dave turned thirty-something, so we showered him with everything he loves. Kisses and lots of meat to BBQ.

Birthday coffee...


Chalk drawing...


I miss my Normikins...


Work was back in full swing after the holidays. During the later part of the week I was assigned to a new manager and changed cubicles AGAIN, but I'm pretty happy about the change. I'm with a team again and it feels nice to not be so isolated all day.

My girl also made me really proud. She was sharing with her teachers at school about fundraising for "sick kids." They asked to know more and even all chipped in to make a donation. You can read all about our fundraiser here.


Hope you all had a good week!

