My Month as Martha: Part 19

February 27th

What Martha did:

  • Go for a horseback ride

Well, anyone who's anyone knows that Martha loves herself some horses. You might also remember this costume from the 2010 Halloween edition of Martha Stewart Living...


The "ghostly equestrian."

Oh, wow, yes! A totally do-able costume!

As the instruction describes, "Martha's grand cape swells behind her as she rides through a twilight gloaming; her pale eyes stare from beneath red-rimmed lids. Although the cape looks elaborate, it's constructed with just a few folds and seams in a long piece of taffeta. A top hat veiled with black netting is trimmed with gray ribbon and an ostrich feather."

So simple! All you need is some red eye shadow, some taffeta, a top hat and veil... oh yeah and a freaking HORSE because how else would anyone know what you are?

Anyhow, I did NOT go for a horseback ride today. Sorry, Martha. As always I need to just live vicariously through you. So I watched this video instead!

Please enjoy this clip of Conan O'Brien learning all about horses with Martha...

Apparently they're actually good friends.

Here they are drinking beer...


Drankin' 40's...


And making some kind of weird miniature tree...


Martha, you really are the coolest.

xo Becky

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