Getting ready to throw away the calendar I carried around all month. I will miss having Martha's voice in my head, scolding me about dusty chandeliers and reminding me about tours of my stables.
Did I learn anything this month?
Here are some of the discoveries I didn't previously share:
- Martha has a cartoon. For reals! Martha and Friends follows a 10 year old Martha, 2 dogs and her BFFs as they make crafts and inevitably get bossed around by Martha for not properly organizing their friendship bracelet collections.
- Martha's in court again. Rut roh. This time she's involved with a debacle with Macy's. It's ok, just stay cool Martha...
- Genghis Khan, one of Martha's dogs, took Best of Breed among the chow chows a few weeks ago at the 136th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Congratulations!
- At one point, Martha was rumored to be in a relationship with Seth Meyers from SNL. What?
Man, I wish that last one was true!
I really enjoyed my month as Martha as well as all your comments and encouragement. If you stopped by for the month, I hope you visit again!
xo Becky
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